People, Society & Culture of Tunbridge Wells in the 18th Century & later.

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In the Eighteenth Century
" When I call to mind the hours I passed with Lord North in the darkness of his later days, there was such a charm in his genius, such a claim upon my pity in the contemplation of his sufferings, that even then, lacerated as I was in my feelings, I could not help saying within myself: ' The Minister indeed has wronged me, but the Man atones.' " Cumberland thus expressed himself in his autobiography: " His house at Tunbridge Wells was in The Grove : one day he took my arm, and asked me to conduct him to the parade upon the Pantiles. * I have a general recollection of the way,' he said, ' and if you will make me understand the posts upon the foot-path, and the steps about the chapel, I shall remember them in future.' " Needless to say, Cumberland conducted his old enemy to his home. Lord North bore his affliction with fortitude, but he could not conceal his sadness. " Colonel Barre," he said, with pathetic humour, one day to that erstwhile doughty opponent of his, " notwithstanding all that may have passed formerly in Parliament when we were on different sides, I am persuaded that there are not two men in the Kingdom who would be more happy to see each other." The fourth
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